21 Facts You Must Know About Your Back Pain
By Sherwin Nicholson | Updated May 1, 2020
Back Pain is serious and NOT just a sensation
If you learn these short and important facts, you’ll protect yourself and others from the major risks of injury. The more you know about your spine, the easier it can be to get the right help and support.
Here are 21 simple facts to know about your back listed below!
- It is the #1 leading cause of disabilities in the world.
- Americans spend over $50 billion per year on back related issues.
- Up to 80% of any given population will experience and suffer from it.
- The number of given people who have lumbar related pain increases with age.
- It can begin as early as from school age and well into the senior years with 35-55yrs of age being the most affected.
- 50% of working people every year admit to having some significant symptoms of discomfort.
- 90% of people with acute pain will recover within 6 weeks.
- 7% of people with acute pain will eventually develop a chronic condition.
- It is one of the most common reasons given to employers for missed work.
- Fewer than 5% of people who suffer are suitable candidates for surgical treatment.
- A larger proportion of adults with any type of this condition fill and use medical prescriptions annually than those without it.
- It is the third most common reason for surgery.
- United States health care spends as much on spinal problems as it does on cancer every year.
- It is the second most common reason for visits to the family doctor.
- Those who are overweight, ‘weekend warriors’ or are generally unfit are the most affected.
- The majority of instances are mechanical. i.e. muscular and joint related.
- The most common mechanical causes are muscle or ligament strains.
- Those who suffer are 3X more likely to report limitations related to social, recreational and family activities.
- People with chronic back pain are more likely to report significant levels of psychological distress, depression and anger while those who suffer from the acute form are much less likely.
- Pain that is worse in the morning and improves with movement and stretching is often indicative of a muscle related issue or injury.
- It is usually a symptom of an underlying injury, muscle imbalance or mechanical problem.