The Low Back Pain Program
Table of Contents
Master the exercises to relieve pain and protect your back
5/5 Stars Amazon Catamaran’78
I found even the first 10-12 exercises in this program were a great help in relieving pain and spasm in muscles of the lower back, and helping to wake to a more mobile back in the morning. If you have disc problems diagnosed by MRI and have had serious pain episodes from doing ‘stuff you used to do with no problem’, start slowly and don’t overdo it.
Part One – What to Know
Before you begin the first exercise, start here. It will help you to develop the right mindset to be able to follow this very easy but challenging program.
Introduction – A Word from the Author
Lower Back Pain Issues
The Proper Mindset
Program Preparation
In Part 1, I explain why the cycle of back pain is so difficult to break, how to break it, stay focused & committed, and the ways to avoid the pitfalls that lead us to give up too easily. I believe that this chapter is a vital prerequisite to following the back pain exercises. It is not only about performing the exercises, but patiently committing to them as you progress.
Part Two – What to Do
There are many exercises here to master. Why? Because solving back pain is NOT a quick fix. Many imbalances occur before it begins to really hurt. Fortunately, there are exercises for each one. I break them up into 4 key stages, from easy to challenging, targeting every area that affects your back.
The Low Back Pain Program Exercise Outline
Limited Mobility Exercises
Progressive Exercises
Challenging Exercises
Maintenance Exercises
Supportive Exercises
Here you will find exercises that you are familiar with, combined with ones you have never thought would help back pain but are essential. As you progress and master the exercises, you will not need to perform them again unless you desire.
Limited Mobility Exercises
It is not easy to begin when you are in pain and have difficulty moving. These are the exercises for you to begin with. They will carefully help to free your stiffness and spasms. Nothing risky or intimidating here.
Deep Squat Rest – sample exercise
Kneeling Bow Rest
Seated Leg Opener
Seated Leg Rotation (assisted)
Seated Twist (assisted) – sample exercise
Seated Lunge – sample exercise – sample exercise
Leg Stretch (hamstrings and quadriceps)
Calf Stretch
Hangs and Pushes
Lying Twist – sample exercise
Abdominal Crunch
Quadriceps Stretch
Seated Knee Raise
Progressive Exercises
After you have become more flexible and have experienced less pain, you can begin to strengthen your weaknesses and imbalances. Here you will develop more stability and flexibility for your back. By improving your hip flexibility and leg power, your back injury will recover sooner.
Seated Hip Adjustment (assisted)
Seated and Floor Hip Shift
Seated Leg Rotation (assisted with contraction)
Seated Leg Cross with forward lean – sample exercise
Floor Leg Bend and Shift
Seated Leg to Chest – sample exercise
Leaning Hip Shift
Rail Squat (assisted)
Seated Hamstring Stretch – sample exercise
Stair Step (up and down)
Reverse Stair Squat Lean
Hip Opener (inside and outside)
Seated Calf Stretch
Double Leg Rotation
Deep Abdominal Crunch (leg raised)
Plank with Steps
Couch Split
Outside Hip Stretch
Standing Abdominal – sample exercise
Challenging Exercises
These exercises are for prevention. You will better prepared in keeping your back issues from returning now. Here, you will be able to develop the flexibility and power that your back needs when your are very active.
Seated Leg Lift (multi directional)
Advanced Hamstring Stretch (ankle and floor)
Squat (holds, leans, circles, steps, walks)
Lunge with Reverse Kneel
Reverse Lunge – sample exercise
Reverse Stair Step
Standing Knee to Chest (upright and leaning)
Standing Hip Shift (leaning and bent knee) – sample exercise
Forward Stair Step with Hip Shift (assisted 2 riser)
Standing Leg Raise with Side Kick
Leg Flex (rail or counter)
Foot Raise (leaning and bent knee)
Abdominal Leg Press
Maintenance Exercises
Once you have mastered these exercises, you will now only need to perform the 10 most important ones (written in the eBook). They will be your core set to help maintain your back. You don’t need to do the others anymore unless you prefer. At this point in the program, you can easily do these ten quickly in under 15 minutes, anytime.
Supportive Exercises
A list only of more exercises that also benefit back pain. You may already know most of them but they are not illustrated here. You can add them to help complement the program for your own desire but they are not required.
Part Three – What to Use
Keep track of your progress with these charts. There are quite a few to do. Do as many or as few as your body can support. Never rush them though.
Progress Charts
Additional Help
Are you Frustrated with Searching Online for Help?
Need Clear Guidance and a Structured Plan?
The Sample Exercise will help, but you will need the full benefit of all of the exercises for long term relief.
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- How to Use the eBook (Where to begin? Hotw many per day? How long?)
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5.0 out of 5 stars Amazon UK
Genuinely useful and practical – not a quick fix but delivers results By Amazon Customer on 11 May 2016Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase Excellent…really provided me with back relief even though I’m only currently on stage 1 of the programme. The exercises can be down around the house and at any time during the day which is great if you can only fit 10 minutes here and there.